Here is a collection of articles, blog posts, reviews, and more.
Pratyahara - Class Notes
Fundamentals of Pranayama - Class Notes
The Art of Time Travel (and How to Stop Doing it)
Aspects of Asana - Class Notes
Observing the Niyamas - Class Notes
Exploration of the Yamas - Class Notes
Notes, Nidra, and Kalamazoo! (March/April Newsletter)
Journey Through the Chakras Class Notes
Rise to Self-care (February Newsletter)
New Year - No Resolution (January Newsletter)
Awaken Your Creativity (December Newsletter)
Rest Like You Mean It (November Newsletter)
SEVEN DEVILS - Now Available in Print!
Monthly Yoga Nidra | Namaste Rockridge
Awaken Your Creativity Workshop | Namaste Rockridge
Choosing Compassion in Times of Suffering
The Secrets of SEVEN DEVILS (Spoiler Warning)
The Making of SEVEN DEVILS: The Cover Art
The Making of SEVEN DEVILS
SEVEN DEVILS - Now on eBooks!