Since quarantine began during the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve had to adjust my teaching practice to online-only sessions. While at first, it felt a little disconnected, limiting, and inaccessible, the past few weeks have proven that we are all adaptable and intelligent beings. Technology, which once was a barrier for so many individuals, has taken a user-friendly center stage in our lives. Zoom/Skype/FaceTime/Google Hangout calls are the now-normal and people are much more comfortable using video platforms. Much of my business is teaching Yoga and Meditation (together and separately) for businesses and corporations all over the world. Corporate Wellness is something that I fell into many years ago and absolutely loved! I get to connect with people and help them regulate stress and calm their minds, many who would not practice these techniques otherwise. With the quarantine, my reach to these individuals (lawyers, executives, software engineers, designers, and so many more) has actually increased. Many companies have brought me on to help their team members healthfully cope with these uncertain times, providing relief for anxiety, stress, burnout, and depression. We're seeing the inherent value of these practices in a very tangible way. The reason for this uptick is actually because of the technology itself. I’m not limited to physical destinations in the SF Bay Area for teaching. Every class I teach, whether it is Yoga, Meditation, Office Chair Yoga, or Mindfulness Talks, is all done from my home. For companies I work with, any of their employees can join in (no matter where in the world they are). And when timezones become an issue for live sessions, I can easily record the sessions for these corporate clients to share with their teams later on. All of this said, I’m reminded of the value of these practices and the necessity to lean into them during times of strife and struggle. Will it fix the world and end the pandemic? No, of course not. But it will help us to manage ourselves as we move through the phases of life (including this one). Find out more about my offerings on my Corporate Wellness page!